A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed Essay

A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed Essay

Essay on A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed

A friend is a person with whom one shares a bond of mutual respect, affection and trust. Although typically two friends are not biologically related to each other, with time, they become a family. One of the most well-known phrases about friendship goes like this-"A friend in need is a friend indeed". This phrase summarises the essence of true friendship. It means that friends who help each other at the time of need are real friends. Not everyone is lucky to have a true friend in life. A true friend is like a blessing. Such friendship should always be treasured and nurtured with care. 

The importance of a true friend

The importance of true friends in our life cannot be expressed in words. Friendship helps us feel less lonely. With our busy lives, it is very easy for us to slip into despair and loneliness. It is a reason why a lot of us end up suffering from anxiety, depression and other mental or psychological disorders. Studies have shown that a healthy friendship helps in overcoming all these negative feelings. A friend gives us company and helps us improve our morale. A true friendship is very giving and is equally joyous. Spending time with our friends gives us a reason to laugh and celebrate life. A true friendship inspires us to grow. Studies show that a healthy friendship improves and boosts self-confidence. A true friend tries his best to help a friend in his time of need. This may include one's emotional, physical or any other needs. 

A friend helps you overcome your burden or difficulty by improving your morale, helping you however possible and providing advice. A true friend never quits our side for his own selfish needs and selflessly helps us without expecting any return. They act as our teacher, guide, our confidant and our companion. This doesn't mean that our friends do not criticize us. A true friend shows us our shortcomings and criticises us but with the sole purpose of benefiting us in the long run. 

What we should do

Friends do not discourage each other. Instead, they help each other reach their goal in life. However, it is wrong for us to expect people to be our true friend when we ourselves cannot be loyal to them. It is said that you reap what you sow, so in order for us to have loyal and true friends, we must ourselves be ready to follow the principles of a healthy friendship. Like every relationship friendship is also like a two-way street, we cannot expect friends to help us when we are not honest, helpful and giving. One of the most effective keys to a successful friendship is proper communication. When we find people with whom we can effectively communicate our thoughts and feelings, we soon develop a bond that translates into friendship and deep understanding. A friendship cannot thrive without understanding.

Thus, the saying “A friend in need is a friend indeed” describes what real friendship is all about. In difficult times, we come to know the difference between true friends and pretentious friends. A friendship which survives hardships comes out stronger. Friends who help us during hard times are truly assets to behold.

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